Now is the time.
Living in the moment.
Being in the now. You've heard
the phrases - make the most of the present - it's all you've got. Well, yes.
When do you live?
Now. Seriously. When does life occur? Now. I
know, you can look at the fossil and read the history book - look at life long
ago. When did that life occur? Now.
When many people think about time, it is imagined as a
track, much like a rail road track, on which the person moves. The track behind is the past. The track yet trod is the future. We are conscious of having lived, living, and
continuing to live. The concepts of
past, present, and future are well defined in our daily experience. Morning, afternoon, night. We get it.
Let's ratchet up a notch and reconsider our movement along
that time track. We don't move. The track moves, so to speak. When do you experience morning? Now.
When do you experience afternoon?
Now. When do you experience
night? Now. Conceptually we can order experience, but
experience can only exist now. Therefore,
life is possible only now.
Imagine yourself amidst a swirling universe, with people and
experiences coming to you as you allow them into your now experience. All of that drawn to you is attracted by your
attention to it - Law of Attraction. In
this sense, the future is not something that happens to you, but you happen to
your future. Whatever you are
experiencing now is the result of your consciousness. If your experience is not as happy as you
instinctively know it should be, then by changing your thinking (beacons that
attract similar conditions/situations/people) you affect what you
experience. You're not helplessly riding
the rails of time into experiences, but crafting (aware or unaware) the schema
which form your now experience.
"But George, I remember when I was five years old
and..." Indeed you do. When were you five? Now.
Are you five years old now?
No. Things are remembered only
now. The future is imagined now. The past was experienced now and, of course,
the future can only exist now. Now is a
slippery thing, but if you can wrap your head around it, so to speak, then
managing your life becomes more effective.
"Life is too short to _________." That well-intentioned thought is a good
illustration of the railroad track version of life moving along time. I'd suggest replacing "short" with
"precious" or "important" or "valuable". She how that alters the intent? It pulls the concept into the moment, the
now. In effect, why put up with
________(fill in the blank) when you don't have to? Or want to? Right now, this moment, you can decide,
choose, determine, allow (any number of verbs will work) what you want to
experience now. Knowing that your now
decision will attract similar conditions/situations/people.

Life is too much fun to experience by default. Being aware now directs more thought power to
the experience. Life becomes more fun by
intent. Now. It's when you are.
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