A hard back, a paperback, and a kindle - good
reading on them all.
The Savior Generals: How Five Great
Commanders Saved Wars That Were Lost - From Ancient Greece to Iraq by Victor
Davis Hanson
Visiting again the awesome scholarship and
perspective of Victor Davis Hanson. The attraction this time is his take on five
moments in history where a leader, stepping up or dropped into, a failing situation
leads a dramatic turn-about with historical implications. Specifically, Themistocles at Salamis,
Flavius Belisarius in Byzantium, Sherman's capture of Atlanta and march to the
sea, Matthew Ridgway's one-hundred days in Korea turning a rout into an
enduring face-off, and David Petraeus and the Iraq surge. Despite the epoch, there was much in common
on the field and in the character of these pivotal leaders.
The Last Battle: When U.S. and German
Soldiers Joined Forces in the Waning Hours of World War II in Europe by Stephen Harding.
This is my
introduction to historian and widely written Stephen Harding. No one wanted to be the last man killed in
WWII. Sane minds on all sides didn't
relish rogue Gestapo units murdering the last of Hitler's prisoners. Thus a wild but true tale of how a rag-tag
alliance sought to rescue notable French leaders and personages imprisoned in
an Austrian fortress. Harding introduces
each player, setting up how he/she came to be in a certain place at a certain
time, follows the rescue effort, and the fates of each following the war. I especially enjoyed the general attitudes
and perspectives of the French, Austrian, Germans, Americans and East
Darkship Thieves by Sarah A. Hoyt.

UPDATE: Okay, confession: Sarah held the attention and inspired me to get the sequel, Darkship Renegades, on my kindle.
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